Here is the picture that I decided to play with. Our fearless leader is just too tempting of a target. Also I thought it might be interesting to explore the idea of photo editing for political purposes.
This photo of Stephen I edited using Picnik. I used a blemish remover for some of his crows feet, and the thin function to appeal to female voters. I also added a little soft light, to set the mood. I liked Picnik a lot. Of all the photo edit tools I looked at, it was probably the most user friendly and versatile.
I used Splashup for this one. I used the smudge feature to extenuate Stephens' nasty side. I also used a semi-transparent layer of black to darken the picture a bit. I found Splashup to be frustrating to use. The layer function was confusing at first, and I ended up creating more work for myself wrestling with it.
Overall, Picnik was a better tool for what I was trying to accomplish. They are a user friendly site that has lots of options. Some of the premium options were almost cool enough to warrant signing up for. Splashup was sort of like a more finicky MSpaint, so I doubt I will use it again.
Original Photo by Remy Steinegger.accessed from
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